Inputwish is an independent game studio based in Prague, Czech republic.



20 09 2005

Becherov game was our hobby project and our contribution for Becherovka Game competition in 2004. Our victory was later one of  the impulses that made us found Inputwish company.

Becherov is a car simulator that takes place in a virtual city. The player drives through the city in various cars and completes different tasks for Becherovka factory. The game resembles early Grand Theft Auto games, but here the player works for good. He raises up through the company hierarchy and ultimately becomes the director. City itself is over four square kilometers big and player is not limited in his movement. There are up to 8 vehicles he can drive, beginning with small cars and ending up with big lorries.

Technologically is Becherov a game for Windows, fully 3D using OpenGL. Thanks to its victory in the competition and small size (only 6 MB)  it became quite popular and had some very nice reviews. Three years after its release people still download more than 1500 copies each month.

Available cars:

  • Škoda 120
  • Ford Transit
  • Avia lorry
  • Liaz truck
  • Chevy 4×4 allroad
  • VW Golf
  • BMW 7,5
  • Ford Mustang 69

Project background:

Becherov was our first together project and we learned a lot making it. It took us over a year of “garage” development in various apartments, basements, attics etc. After that we sent the game to czech freeware games competition, sponsored by Becherovka. We won the compo, viagra generique, had a great party and decided to continue making games together.

Gameplay video:   

view it here…

Game screenshots:  

Downloads: download: Becherov ()
added: 07/06/2008
clicks: 15029
description: Self-extracting installer download: Becherov City ()
added: 03/06/2008
clicks: 6536
description: Becherov Soundtrack - track 01 - Main Theme download: The Story Begins ()
added: 03/06/2008
clicks: 5949
description: Becherov Soundtrack - track 02 - intro

Published under: Projects